An academic institution feeding the yound minds, is a boon for the socio-economic consciousness of the people living around it. It motivates their hearts to aspire for higher marks of refinements and keeps them in touch with the world at large.
It was this noble idea wcich took Honorable Shri G.L. Mehta and Kulpati Dr. K.M. Munshi to translate their wishes in to an Institution in rural area like Bharwari. Shri Mehta ji put his wealth in to the cause of education and dedicated it for the academic upliftments of the populace living around it.
Since 1968, this educational Centre has been grooming young members of the society and helping them catch up with the modern pace of progress in the field of Science, Arts and Humanities. It has made them try therir fates in higher study, higher career and competitive jobs in India and abroad.
The college has enough potential to be frther expanded and made all the more useful. May talented individual of this region have made remarkable progress due to this college.